Don't Let a Sad Twist in Your Story be the End of your Story

Sometimes in the midst of heartache and pain, you stumble toward what you were meant to find.
I went from engaged to my boyfriend of 6 years to single in a matter of weeks. Little did I know, the man of my dreams was waiting just around the bend.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

There's no formula for moving on!

When I called off my wedding in the fall of 2006, I actually had a friend say to me, "you know, it takes half the amount of time you were with your ex to get over your ex." Um, I wasn't liking that. I was with my ex for 6 years, did that mean I had to bench myself for 36 months before I was ready to jump back in?

The answer is, no! I'm not sure where my well meaning friend got that sage equation, but it just doesn't make sense. Think about this, if you're married for 20 years and your husband cheats on you, does that mean you need to be 10 years divorced before you can fathom meeting someone new? What about the other extreme? If you meet the man of your dreams, date for three intense months, fantasize about your wedding day together only to have him ditch you for a co-worker and move to China, is your broken heart expected to mend in six weeks? Sorry folks, there's no rule or absolute or formula and you should never feel pressured to follow one.

I met Pete about six months after I called it quits with my ex. I had gone on a few blind dates in those months and entertained a few worthless flirtations, but I wasn't ready for a relationship until I met him. As our courtship got going in earnest, I started to worry that it was too soon to dive into something serious, but the only thing holding me back was what I had been told, not what I was feeling. As soon as I gave in and let my heart do the driving, it was like throwing open the curtains and letting the sun in. So ladies, trust me... and just trust your heart.


  1. I just got connected to your blog through Robin. I'll be a reader from now on if that's OK. :)
